Popcicleslid's Blog!

Earning some coins fast-Its fun and easy!

Play Jetpack Adventures- If you make through the end without collecting any coins throughout the entire game, and you run out of Jetpack fuel, at the end of the game, you'll have 1000 coins at the end!

Play Aqua Grabber-Usually when I play, I get 1350 coins. Its easy. To get past Mullet, Go to the last Cream Soda in Soda Seas and bump into the wall, you'll get a worm. Dont drop it, if you do, you will have to get another worm. To avoid dropping it, don't bump into anything. Feed the worm to the Fluffy Fish. Once you catch the Fluffy Fish, its hard to control him. Now go into the location where you got your 4th Cream Soda, then feed the Fluffy Fish to Mullet. When you catch him, just release him cause hes hard to put in the net and hes slowing you down. Once you get past Mullet, you don't grab any gold from the crab. Once hes done Collecting the gold, he will hold up a 600 coin diamond. Grab it. Then go down to the underwater path and don't bump into any Blowfish, or youll become a pinball. When you get passed them, Theres a pufferfish alley. Go down while avoiding them, and grab the rare purple Crystal and dont bump into anything. Make you way to the top, put it into the net, and now you have your coins!

Play Catchin' Waves, its fun, easy, and you ll earn at least 100 coins!

Take a wild ride and play Cart Surfin, press the up button and press the space bar for tricks! You can earn up to 200 coins!

Play DJ3K- If you don't like the game DJ3K, then don't put and music on. Click something every 5 minutes to make alot of coins.